Krishnamurthi was to carry the banner of Theosophy across the world, he declared to Dr Annie Besant whom he called as ‘Amma” that the subject of soul is a mere myth and soul is a mere invention of the mind which wants to cling to some sort of permanency. It is pertinent to note Theosophical Society believed in the existence of soul and reincarnation or transmigration of the soul is its fundamental subject. J.Krishnamurthi would wake up in the morning and would recall what was taught in the night and use to record the teachings. The education imparted to J.Krishnamurthi as per the records of the society is somewhat wonderful to know in the sense that the astral body of the boy in his deep sleep state was taken by Leadbeater to the Masters at the Himalayas for lessons and he was brought back to Adyar. It may be noted that Bishop Leadbeater of Theosophical Society identified J Krishnamurthi as having the aura of the world teacher at the age of 11 and he was adopted by the Society. Even today, the world is equally divided as to the existence of soul and its non existence. The subject of soul and the search for it have exhausted many a lives and disoriented many a minds.

That is why Vallalar strives to free us from the fetters of the present birth fenced by a particular religion, race and caste with so many relations because the experience of the soul in all its births enjoy different religions, races and castes with so many relations. Which can be considered as the face of earth? It is like telling as to which is my real face whether it is my face at birth or at death or the different faces at different ages in between? So also if there is a question as to who I am in all these births in reality, I become alive to my inability to answer such a question. Therefore, if there is a question as to “Who I am?”, then, it entails another question “in which birth?” The crust of the earth varies in its form as the expanse of ocean, mass of land, span of ice, sea of sand, range of mountains and so forth. In that case, who can be our real father and mother? It is like in this birth, I am son to my father and mother, brother or sister to the co-born and father to my daughter or son, and husband to my wife. In some births it is born in a family of particular religion, caste and race and in some births, it is born in a family professing different religion, caste and race. In some birth, the soul takes the body of a male and in some births it takes the body of a female. He renounced the inheritance bequeathed by the Society which paved the way for the present day JK Foundation.